Thursday, August 11, 2011

Today I am talking to our all time favorite person, Anita Kleynhans

Anita was an active member of the group, Langenhovenparkies, before she became ill.  She started quilting simply because she wanted to and claims she doesn’t have time to do anything else. 

I spoke to Anita yesterday and her prognosis is not good at all.  Her liver is giving in completely and she suffers from major tired spells.  However, as we all know her, still time for a joke and if you speak to her, she doesn’t sound ill at all.

The positive news however is that she has no pain and still contemplates the thought of joining us at our quarterly guild meeting next week.  What a girl!!!

Q:   In short tell us a little about your family:
A:   I have 3 children, 7 grandkids and 2 great-grandchildren

Q:  Are you a morning or night person?
A:  A nightowl

Q:  Which do you prefer – sweet or salty snacks?
A:  Sweet

Q:  Do you collect anything and what?
A:  Only fabric

Q:  If you could be any animal, what would you be?
A:  a Giraffe – (she’s tall enough to qualify)

Q:  What is your favorite color?
A:   Purple

Q:  Do you believe in ghosts?
A:  No

Q:  Do you have any other hobbies apart from quilting?
A:  I don’t have time for anything else

Q:  Have you even been addicted to a computer/video game and which one?
A:  No

Q:  Name ONE bad habit you have and are aware of.
A:  I eat way too much sweet treats

Q:  What do you regard as your best personality trait?
A:  Punctuality

Q  Are you mostly a messy or clean person?
A:  Clean

Q:  If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
A:  Australia

Q:  What is your favorite drink?
A:  Coke

Q:  What is your favorite gift to receive?
A:  Perfume

Q:  Which type of gift do you like the least?
A:  Hand lotion

Q:  If you could change your name, what would it be?
A:  Have never even thought about it

Q:  Name one thing not many people know about you
A:  I was a farmer’s wife

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