The Goodie bags are packed, the tables arranged in the classrooms and the power extensions laid. Sheila the curator of the Quilt Show is ill with flu and can only whisper. Despite this she is on top of her job and the quilts are getting displayed. Tomorrow is the last judging day and the judges and trainee judges is working very hard to complete their tasks. The show is going to surprise you all. Thank you to all the quilters who entered a quilt in the show- to select a Viewers Choice will be hardly possible- the one quilt is just as magnificent as the next.
I just want to remind you: If you stay in the hostel you must bring your own towel. If you can, bring a quilt for additional warmth and for Show and Tell in the hostel. If it rain an umbrella will be handy for the walking distance between the hostel and the school. Remember to bring your mug- or buy a Festival mug. Bring a lead and multi-plug (well marked) if you drive to school. The chairs are low and some tables are slightly higher than normal- so remember to bring a pillow to sit on.
It is time to finish your class preparations, pack your bags and come!
As we prepared the classrooms it became clear that some classrooms will not be suitable for classes dedicated to it. So I have changed the class schedule slightly. Please print out the new class schedule and bring it with so that you know where your classroom for the day will be. It would be appreciated if you print two or three and give it to people who do not have one (About 100 quilters could not be reached by email).
I leave early tomorrow morning and will not be able to receive further emails. Adres any questions to Sandra Cruywagen please.
(I will try to put some photos on my blog tomorrow evening- so just double click on my URL- below my name.)
See you soon!
Marié du Toit