Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Scherenschnitte - Challenge for the fourth term

=This post is for members of the Oranje Quilter's Guild only=

Did you too say ‘WTH’ when you read or heard about this or was it only ignorant old me?  I’ve never even heard the word, let alone partake in a quilt challenge and here I thought I was ‘Mrs Know-it-all’!

Trust Google to the rescue – by the way ‘how did people get along before the internet?’  So to first find out exactly what this is, read this article HERE.

A tiny light went on but I wanted to see more and I found this video tutorial.

This however looked impossible on fabric, so I searched for something slightly easier.  I found THIS site with lots of templates but I wouldn’t say it looked any easier and I wondered whether I would know which part to cut and which to leave.

When I however got to THIS article and again read about doilies and snowflakes, it took me back to primary school and I remembered the paper square we used to fold in half and in half again and then snip out half shapes on all the folded sides to see what interesting shape we’d get once done and we opened these up.  So there you go, Scherenschnitte is nothing other than paper cutting!

Now for those of you who plan to make something more intricate take a look at the Scherenschnitte gallery by Karin Dickel-Jonasch over HERE.

Okay to sum it up Scherenschnitte dates back to the 1500’s and if you draw a pattern you have to do it in such a way that the finished cutting is still in one piece (think quilt stencils).  The cut out parts usually represent the shadows/ silhouette of the picture.

So after spending almost an hour on the internet researching this and not being able to draw anything I’ve come to the conclusion that if I participate, mine will be snowflakes.  What are you up to?

O dear, maybe I shouldn’t participate, my first cut-out didn’t even resemble a snowflake!!

Blog break

This blog will unfortunately not be updated daily until mid October 2012.  Along with fellow quilters and friends, Karin and Rina, I will be touring through Croatia during this time.

Sorry for any inconvenience to our regular readers but I am really looking forward to this break.

Take care.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Freestyle / Art quilt course by Katherine Harmer Fox

Date:  19 - 21 November 2012
Venue:  Sewing Lab, CUT
Cost:  R250,00 per day
Snacks:  R30,00 per day

The following was taken directly from the e-mail sent by Katherine.

This is a one or three day workshop that I have developed, to illustrate and share the different techniques that I use in my own artwork.
The one day workshop is very process driven, focusing on learning the techniques and how to incorporate them into an art work.
The three day workshop focuses more upon the actual work that the student is producing and how the different techniques can enhance that work.
After one day, the student will walk away with a head-full of new methods and techniques and a sampler that could turn into an art work.
After three days, the student walks away with a head-full of new methods and techniques as well as either a finished art work or one that is well on the road to completion.

The student does not have to be an artist to benefit from this workshop. He/she could be a quilter or a seamstress, a fashion designer or a wedding dress maker. A person who has only sewn the hem of a curtain or two or a person who knows how to construct a tailored jacket. Although the ability to draw, will benefit any and all disciplines, (it is always a plus to be able to make an idea concrete), it is certainly not a necessity for this workshop. All that is required of potential students is that they have basic sewing skills and a desire to learn, coupled with an even greater willingness to play.

The only requirements that the sewing machine needs for fibre art, is that it be able to do both straight and zigzag stitch and the ability for the feed dogs to be disengaged, (either by means of a little covering plate that is applied over the throat plate or a switch which when activated, drops the teeth completely).

I have created a fibre book, "The Story of a Pig", each page of which serves to illustrate the different techniques that I teach in this workshop. I have attached photographs of a couple of the pages herewith.

Methods and techniques
  • free motion machine embroidery
  • fibre embedment
  • appliqué and reverse appliqué
  • cord making
  • spider-webbing and ragged lace making
  • the value of constructive criticism
Equipment needed:
  • sewing machine (must be able to disengage feed dogs)
  • a darning or embroidery foot
  • an ordinary sewing foot
  • sewing paraphernalia - scissors, pins, etc.
  • a pack of denim/jeans needles
Materials needed:
  • scraps and offcuts of various fabrics in different colours, patterns and textures
  • a collection of papers and fibres, (ripple card, used tea bags, orange and onion sacks, the inside, silver lining of long-life milk cartons, the foil covering from coffee cans, brown paper packets, an empty potato bag, etc.)
  • a collection of ordinary sewing threads in a variety of colours
  • snippets of wool, string, braiding or what-have-you
  • anything that the needle of the sewing machine can punch through
Source of inspiration:
  • this could be a photograph, or a child's drawing; a handful of leaves or a bundle of driftwood; the skeleton of a lizard or the lizard itself; a single flower or an old lock; the list is endless.
  • anything that inspires the student and gets his/her creative juices flowing
  • they can come with a fully fledged concept or just the inkling of an idea
  • whatever interests and engages the student
For bookings and any other information, please contact:
Frances van Schalkwyk @ 072 216 8015

Monday, September 24, 2012

IQCAfrica 2013 - Quilt challenge

Now don't say you haven't been warned in time.  Get those creative juices flowing and start planning your entry for the 2013 International Quilt Convention Africa's challenge.

Get the complete rules, guidelines and entry form, by clicking HERE.

Remember your entry from must be e-mailed or faxed to the organizers by 15 November 2012.

Friday, September 21, 2012

A little eye candy

I recently discovered Barbara Sharpel's website and even though this won't give you any free tutorials or patterns I am sure you'd like what you see in the gallery over HERE.

Remember to click on each picture to see more detail.  Simply breathtaking! Hoping you all plan to enjoy this LONG weekend.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Calypso Squares Lap Quilt

The Quilters Magazine has a couple of free patterns to download in PDF format over HERE.

The quilt that caught my eye this morning while I browsed their site, was this Calypso Squares Quilt.

Scroll down on their online project page until you find it.  I have to say these are extremely neatly set out patterns in PDF format.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Rail Fence Pinwheel quilt pattern

Rose from Ludlow quilt and sew has added a little twist to the well-know Rail Fence Quilt and I agree with her the overall effect is quite pleasing.

To read her instructions and even watch a video on how it is done, click HERE.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Free e-book

Interweave has a couple of new e-books for our pleasure and the one I think quilters would be interested in is the book on Quilted Table Linens.

To get your free copy, click HERE, enter your e-mail address and start your free download.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Autumn Flare free quilt pattern

Another link from blogging friend Chris for this lovely free pattern.

This time from the site of RJR Fabrics and the design is by Thimbleberries.  Click HERE to start downloading your pattern.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Petunia Strings quilt tutorial

I follow several blogs but occasionally one stands out and not necessarily because of the heaps of tutorials but somehow, even over a massive distance, I click with the person on the other side.  One such a person is Connie from the blog Quilting by the River.

Connie recently shared this tutorial and I thought I'd share it with you.

To see how it is done, go to her tutorial over HERE.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

SWAK block tutorial

Many moons ago Iessie (currently the coordinator of our 17th National Quilt Festival) was our group leader and to thank her for all her patience with us, we made her a quilt using Sealed with a Kiss blocks.  Each of us then bought a small gift and placed these inside the blocks before giving it to her.

It therefore brought back good memories when I found this tutorial shared on The Dread Pirate's blog over HERE.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Innovative course by Trix de Jager

An innovative flower class will be taught by Trix de Jager on

28 and 29 September 2012.
Fee:  R320 per day (includes lunch & snacks)
Time:  08:30 - 16:30
Place:  Die Lappies Huis

Bookings should be made BEFORE 14 September 2012 by contacting 051 4361215 or 071 899 5930.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Foundation piecing scrappy triangles

Amanda Jean from the blog Crazy Mom Quilts made good use of her scraps when she decided to make these scrappy triangle blocks.

I am not sure I would go this small but she says you can make these in any size you prefer.  To see her process and to get going on your own, click HERE.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Hexagon bowl tutorial

If you haven't yet heard about Geta Grama from Romania you are missing out on a heck of a lot.  This woman just never stops to amaze me with some of her creations.

Today I'd like you to go take a look at this Hexagon Bowl tutorial on her blog by clicking HERE but don't just stop there, treat yourself and spend some time reading some of her older posts to see what else she makes.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Quilt How-to Lessons

I do believe I've been reading the Quilting site since the day I started quilting and while navigating through the site recently I came across these "How-to Lessons" again and thought I'd share it for those wanting to read a little more on topics such as applique techniques, quilt design, accurate borders and many more.

To take a more intensive look at any of these lessons, click HERE and make your selection and a lovely weekend to you all.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Zipper pencil case tutorial

My first thought when I saw this photo was that it was way too nice to just use for pencils, don't you agree?

Follow the clearly photographed step-by-step instructions by going to Craft Passion's site by clicking HERE.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Take along placemat

With Spring in the air in the Southern Hemisphere talks about picnic comes forward more frequently and when I saw this tutorial by Theresa from the blog My patchwork I thought it couldn't come at a better time.

Make your own in the fabric and colors of your choice by following Theresa's instructions over HERE.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Block of the Week

Blogging friend Chris sent me the link for a new block of the week - especially for those who think a month is way too long to wait for another block.

And hear this...... for the next 49 weeks you will get a free pattern every Saturday!!

The first block was published on 1 September and is still available for those who want to jump in and get started.

I would also suggest that you follow this blog by e-mail not to miss out on any of the posts.

To get and start with your first block, click HERE.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Joining the ends of a double fold binding invisibly

While reading The Dread Pirate's blog I saw she shared a lovely tutorial to join the ends of your double fold binding invisibly.

I am rather particular on a perfectly joined binding and although I do it slightly different I do believe this method will be equally neat.  To see how it is done or download the PDF file, click HERE.

Important Dates

Do have a frequent look at the Important Dates tab to keep informed of all the goings on in the Oranje Quilters Guild.   15 February 2025 - ...