Friday, March 22, 2013

Hoppy Easter Quilt Pattern

I found this adorable free quilt pattern on the blog of Wesmichquilter and even though she said she made it as a wall hanging I can see these 14" squares being ideal for place mats over Easter.

Read her post with instructions and also find the downloadable PDF pattern over HERE.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Shaving cream printing on fabric

If I ever decide to make a bucket list, attending one of LuAnn Kessi's classes would definitely be on it.  LuAnn just down't seem to have limitations on what to try as can be seen in THIS POST from her blog.

Karin was so kind to share this with us so I'm wondering is this an invitation for a play date Karin?  Maybe we should contact Glenda from Amafu first as she too has a world of knowledge regarding fabric painting/printing in her head!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Quilt Judging and Categories by Sue Prins

Dear Quilters
As you are probably already aware, the categories in our National Quilt Festival competition have changed significantly.  This was done because we have had major problems in the past with participants having difficulty distinguishing between Traditional, Innovative and Art categories, as these are fairly subjective distinctions.  For instance, what a beginning quilter considers Innovative, might seem very tradtional to a more experienced quilter. 
We now separate quilts into Traditional, Contemporary and Freestyle categories.  These categories are now distinguished by 2 basic criteria:  1) methods and materials used and 2) the source of the design.  The “style” of the quilt is irrelevant.
Traditional quilts are now those that have been made using traditional methods and using traditional techniques (see below), but where the design is either taken from the public domain (such as a Dresden Plate or New York Beauty) or where the maker of the quilt is NOT the designer of the quilt.  The quilt must still have been made (appliqued, pieced, embellished, quilted) entirely by the one maker.
Contemporary quilts are also those made using traditional methods and using traditional techniques (see below), but where the design is  the maker’s own original design (which includes where the maker has combined elements from the public domain and combined that with at least 50% of their own original elements). 
Freestyle quilts are those made entirely by one person, but where either the techniques used and/or the materials used are outside the usual tradition.  The design must be maker’s original design.
If you are looking for the right category for your quilt, just ask yourself:
  • Is this quilt made using traditional materials and techniques? 
  • If “YES”, then it is Traditional if the design is not the maker’s original design and Contemporary if the design is the maker’s original design.
  • If “NO”, then the quilt should be entered under Freestyle.
There will be some confusion and overlap on the Master Categories while we are in the present change-over period.  From this festival forward, you must enter the Master category only in the category for which you won a first prize or best-of-show award.  For instance, if you won a first prize in a Innovative (or Contemporary) category in the past, you would enter the Contemporary category as a Master, but the standard category of either the Traditional or Freestyle categories.  If you are uncertain from the printed rules, whether you should enter your quilt in the Master of Standard category, please call or write Sue Prins (028 314 1918, 072 248 3425,, who has the Master list and who will gladly advise you. 
Definition of Traditional Construction Techniques:  Includes hand/machine applique, hand/machine piecing and hand/machine quilting.  Traditional techniques, such as yo-yo’s and Cathedral Window are allowed.  Embellishments of thread embroidery and small pierced items that can be sewn directly to the quilt (e.g. beads, sequins and buttons) are allowed.  Printing or dyeing of fabric is allowed.  Excluded are exposed raw edges that are not sewn down, use of paint, attachment of items not sewn directly onto the quilt or any other techniques not specified in this definition.
Definition of Traditional Materials:  Includes woven cloth, batting, threads and small pierced embellishments (such as beads, buttons and sequins) that can be sewn directly onto the surface of the quilt.  Excluded are plastic, paper, metal (except for small, pierced embellishments) non-woven fabric, found objects or other materials not specified here. 

Several of our judges recently gave a talk to a group of quilters on “What the Judges are looking for”.  They were astonished that so many quilters seemed to be unaware of all the things that quilt judges look at when judging quilts.  Afterwards, they contacted me and asked if a letter could to sent to as many quilters in South Africa as possible, listing the things that are relevant in quilt judging:
·         The quilt, as a whole, should lie flat.  If it is a rectangular, all sides should be straight.
·         The quilt should be in pristine condition, with no stains, odors, dirt, animal hair or visible marked lines.
·         The piecing, if any, should be neat and accurate (especially seam intersections).  Seam allowances should be pressed consistently and logically.  Thread should be matched carefully to the fabric.
·         Applique should be neat, without puckers.  Curves should be smooth.  Match thread carefully.
·         Borders should be straight and flat (not “cupped” or ruffled).  Corner techniques (mitered or otherwise) should complement the quilt and be accurate and a crisp 90 degrees.
·         The quilting stitches (hand or machine) should be consistent in length and machine quilting must have perfect tension.  Beginning and ending threads should not be visible.  No marking of quilting lines should be visible.  Quilting “in the ditch” (by hand or machine) must be perfectly accurate.  The quilting design should complement the quilt and enhance it in some way.
·         Embellishments must be firmly and invisibly applied (unless the application is part of the design).
·         Binding just be even, filled entirely by the quilt and neatly sewn down at the back of the quilt.  The corners of the binding should be mitered, a crisp 90 degrees and the fold sewn closed.  Any joins in the binding strips should be made as invisible as possible (join strips on the bias to give best results).
·         The back of the quilt should be appropriate to the general colors or theme of the quilt.  It should be free of puckers, folds or loose thread ends.
AESTHETIC considerations are harder to list, but the judges look for:
·         Good use of color and good use of fabrics. 
·         Any embellishments used must enhance (but not overwhelm) the quilt. 
·         The quilting design should complement and enhance the quilt.  There should be enough quilting and a good distribution of quilting.
·         If there is a theme, how well is it interpreted?
·         Consideration is given to the principles of design: unity, variety, balance, proportions, perspective, depth, focal point, rhythm and movement. 
·         Originality is considered, especially in the Contemporary and Freestyle categories.
I hope this letter is helpful.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Sue Prins at 028 314 1918, 072 248 3425 or

Friday, March 15, 2013

Free motion filler patterns

Running out of ideas for free motion patterns?  I often do.  For some renewed inspiration, go take a look at Luann Kessi's sketchbook over HERE.

With all these fun ideas you'll soon have all your flimsies quilted.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Striped binding tutorial

Debbie from A quilter’s Table shared this lovely tutorial for a striped binding.

To see how this colorful finish on any quilt can be achieved, click HERE.

Thanks to Wilna Geel for sharing this with me.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Hello !

It’s time for the annual WORLD QUILT COMPETITION and this is your invitation to enter a quilt.  The American organizers have special shipping arrangements to make it easy for international contestants to enter so it's a great opportunity to exhibit your quilts overseas.

The competition has categories for both Traditional and Innovative quilts and there are prizes and cash awards to be won.
The attached Entry Form has all the information.  The minimum quilt size is 8,361 sq. cms. (the length of the quilt multiplied by the width).
MAY 20, 2013 is the deadline for me to receive your Entry Form.
JUNE 28, 2013 is the deadline for delivery of accepted quilts (to me in Durban).

Please pass this information on to your quilting friends and colleagues.  Also see:
You are welcome to contact me if you have any queries.
I look forward to receiving your entry form.

Many thanks

Odette Tolksdorf
National Co-Ordinator (South Africa) World Quilt Competition
phone: 031 266 2978 /  074 172 0544

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Local news this week

This picture might be too small to read so we suggest you copy and paste it to your computer and then view it while zooming in more.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Festival page

So you don’t get to go on the internet every day or you simply cannot go on our blog or Facebook daily and then someone tells you about news about the 17th National Quilt Festival on the blog.  What do you have to do to find that specific article again?

No, you don’t have to read through every post on the blog again.  On the right hand side of our blog just below the sponsors for the festival you will find a heading “More to read”.  Underneath that we have several pages starting with “Home”.  Look down this list until you find the page named “2013: 17the National Quilt Festival,Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa” and this is where you will find the most important information about our Festival.

We hope this helps for those people who complained that they didn't find our blog user friendly.  We do however apologize for any inconvenience but welcome you to contact any of the festival crew and we’d try to make your life just a little easier.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Festival News - Floor plan of the venue

We trust all interested has already booked for the 17th National Quilt Festival held in Bloemfontein, South Africa from 1 - 7 July 2013.

Now we suppose you’d like to know exactly where the respective classrooms for the classes you’d like to take are.  With a festival coordinator like ours (Iessie Steenberg) that is simply no problem at all.

To download, print or view the floor plan, please click HERE.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Anonymous or No-reply comments

As much as we’d like to try and resolve everybody’s issues with bookings we are unable to respond if you leave a comment as “Anonymous” or as a “No-reply blogger”.

We’d like to ask every person who leaves a comment to please add your e-mail address or a contact number where we can contact you.

Regarding some kits not being available on Computicket, please try again.  Apparently there was a system problem early morning but has been resolved.  If you still have queries regarding bookings you are welcome to contact:

Magda (from Computicket) directly at 079 856 6255 

Again our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Oops! Festival Correction from our side

In the printed Workshop Program as well as the virtual program over HERE we've omitted to add the course description from the Crosses Wall Hanging class by Mariilie Bruyns on page 33 on Friday 5 and Saturday 6 July 2013.

We do apologize to Marilie and our readers.  This is what we left out:

Course Description
We’ll be making a wall –hanging (150cmx70cm) 15 Crosses in different shapes and sizes, with a border of crosses. Students will learn: Free-hand machine stitching and free-hand cornelli quilting, traditional appliqué and the quilting and binding of quilts, the “reversible-way”. We will be quilting the wall-hanging as we progress using a method called “binding-sashing”.

Have you booked for the festival today?

It is Friday, 1 March 2013!!

What used to be a mere thought, turned into hard work and heaps of organizing suddenly became a reality.

Bookings for the 17th National Quilt Festival held for the very first time in Bloemfontein, South Africa, have opened and can be done through Computicket or any Shoprite/Checkers outlet near you.

Frances van der Walt, our registration coordinator, has compiled this step-by-step booking instructions for us.

How to book your ticket for the Kaleidoscope Festival  via internet:
2. Choose region ( Freestate)  - then city - then Bloemfontein - then Eunice
3. Choose registration ("once off" ) -  book  - member /non-member /kid or student
4. Choose your workshops and/or kits and/or machine - book
5. Choose events - welcome/prize giving/supper - book
6. When you are satisfied with all your purchases (bookings)  - check out - pay - print and/or (save your information on your pc) or you can collect your tickets from any  Computicket
Easy and simple as that!!! 

* Daily visitors can buy their tickets on their arrival (the day they visit the event) at the  door. Computicket will be available on site.  

*Accommodation - Eunice Hostel - Bookings done by Pamela - 051 4441765 - Fax 0866519822 or email - bookings open:  1 March 2013 - 14 June 2013

Nervous tension on our side!

National Quilt Day - 15 March 2025

The quilt chosen for National Quilt Day 2025 by the SAQG is the Roux Quilt.  OKG quilters who wants to participate, please do and share phot...