Sunday, November 29, 2015

Quarterly Meeting - November 7, 2015

...the last meeting of 2015!

Our Hosts - Needles and Pins - Theme: "Hands on"  - handmade Christmas gifts.

...some of their group members.

Viewers choice:
Winner - Doretha Jacobs - congratulations!

The challenge winner - Pincushions - Marianne le Roux - congratulations! 

..some more pincushions - 

The beautiful and inspiring decorations...

..."hands on"

...some of the gifts made by  the members - 

Marie and Marlene - Pfaff dealer and vendor for the day ...

...fabrics  from the vendor -  "Lappiesland" - owner Mari Strydom. 

...quilts on display - 

The "raffle' - winner - Thea Slabbert!

Our chairlady for 2016/2017 ...

Iessie Steenberg.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Congratulations to  Zani Swart! 
 She is  a member of the "Tolbos" - group and  one of the top 10 winners in the "LEEF" -  magazine`s "Wys jou hart - voorskoot" - competition.

Monday, October 26, 2015

General Meeting November 7, 2015

Friendly reminder... 
The last General Meeting for this year!
Theme: - Make your own gifts!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Goedharte ( OQG Group) - Outreach at Woodland Hills Community Church Bloemfontein

With the initiative of Du Maurier Weis and with the help of her friend Dalene Volsteedt,  these ladies  below,  create some awesome  quilts. Well done!

First General Meeting 2025

The star of the show was buttons.  And buttons were everywhere to be seen.  From table decorations to books to an interesting exhibition of ...