Monday, March 27, 2017

National Quilting Day March 18, 2017

...tea time!

...hard at work!

..the teachers for the day - Mariette Venter, Iessie Steenberg and "the 2 old broads".

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

National Quilting Day - March 18, 2017

National Quilting Day

18 March, 2017

Organizer:  Nelia Venter: 082 460 6326

Venue: NGK Saal, Altonasngl. Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein 

tea time...

Organizer:  Nelia Venter: 082 460 6326

Venue: NGK Saal, Altonasngl. Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein 

National Quilt Day - 15 March 2025

The quilt chosen for National Quilt Day 2025 by the SAQG is the Roux Quilt.  OKG quilters who wants to participate, please do and share phot...