Sunday, July 12, 2020

Outreach 2020 - First semester

Although everything in our Guild has come to a complete stop due to the pandemic, our members continued knitting hats and scarves which was donated to the Rose Park Hospital's Children's ward.

Juliana Christo (Rose Park Hospital) left and Iessie Steenberg of our Guild
As no social gatherings are permitted since our lockdown started at the end of March, our normal quilting routines are no more for the time being.  But Iessie took the initiative to start a quilting group on WhatsApp where she teach various classes.

If you wat to join just contact her on 082 705 5279.

For our next outreach project, members are busy knitting teddy bears which will also be donated to Rose Park's Children's ward during late October / early November.

Teddy Bear pattern
By using your imagination and different wool, you can achieve a whole array of different bears.

If you do machine embroidery, you can stitch up a few bears as well.

Important Dates

Do have a frequent look at the Important Dates tab to keep informed of all the goings on in the Oranje Quilters Guild.   15 February 2025 - ...