Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Teddy Bear Outreach

Teddy Bears our members made for Rosepark Hospital, were handed out to the patients in hospital as well as staff working on Christmas Day.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Bookmark these dates

 Check back often as additional dates will be added regularly.

Bookmark these dates for 2023:

11 February 2023 - General Meeting 

(Hosted by Stukkie-vir-Stukkie)

18 March 2023 - National Quilt Day 

27 April to 6 May 2023 - Bloemshow 

12 May to 30 June 2023 - Travelling Exhibition at Anglo Boer Museum 

13 May 2023 - General Meeting 

(Hosted by Rotary Cutters and Gouedrade)
(Presentation by Alaë Gräbe)

2-3 June 2023 - Quilt Retreat 

(Art Quilts - Mari Strydom)

(Traditional Quilt - Annie du Toit)

16 June 2023 - Youth Day

28 June to 1 July 2023 - Quilt in Clarens 
Alaë Gräbe

19 August 2023 - General Meeting 

(Hosted by Quiltmakers)
(Presentation by Annie du Toit)

28 October 2023 - General Meeting

(Hosted by Uile)
(Presentation by Leanne Stewart)

Saturday, December 10, 2022

General Meeting 19 November 2022

The last General Meeting for 2022 was held at the Universitas Faith Centre with every bit of space packed with beautiful quilts.  The meeting was attended by members from the surrounding areas as well.  The hostesses for the day were the Needles and Pins Group.

The last of the Outreach projects for 2022 was concluded with the donation of more than 100 teddy bears to Life Rosepark Hospital.  They will be handed out to patients as well as staff on Christmas Day.  Below is the coordinator of the project, Iessie Steenberg (left) and Juliana Hamlett of the hospital.

Juliana's heartfelt thank you note:

Liefste Iessie en kwilters,

Ek het vanmiddag elke beer sit gemaak, elkeen se gesiggie en uniekheid bewonder.
Dieselfde patroon, soveel kreatiwiteit, soveel uniekheid, soveel dankbaarheid!
My hart is vol van dankbaarheid.
Saam met hierdie bere het ons in totaal 350 hand gemaakte bere ontvang.
Nie alleen sal elke pasiënt wat op 25 Desember in die hospitaal is, 'n beer ontvang nie, maar ook elke personeellid wat onbaatsugtig hul diens lewer op Kersdag. 
Met hierdie beer projek, beeld ons HOOP uit vir elke ontvanger, HOOP op genesing, HOOP op 'n beter toekoms, en ook dat daar iemand is wat omgee.

Nogmaals baie dankie, ek waardeer elke liewe beer wat gemaak is, met soveel liefde 

Juliana Hamlett
Voorsitster Konsultasieforum
Rosepark Hospitaal

Some of the beautiful quilts on display.

Various vendors catered to the quilters needs.

The tables were decorated in the Christmas theme with different elves as well as little wooden reindeers with Lindt chocolate noses.

It was also time to say goodbye to Chairperson Nelia Venter

and welcome the new Chairperson, Christa Gouws.

The proud Show and Tell winner, Adie Dean on the left with Doretha Jacobs from the Needles and Pins group on the right.

The winning quilt is on the far right.

The guest speaker for the day, Rove Mittermaier from Bethlehem, did a demo on various paper piecing techniques and gave all present some new tips.

Esta Knoetze (left) thanked Rove for her participation in the day's events.  Rove is standing in front of her exquisite quilt with which she won a first prize in the Stellenbosch quilt Festival - the first quilt competition she entered.

Iessie Steenberg, OKG's well known quilt teacher, brought the Amper Sirkels Quilt to the meeting which she will be tutoring in 2023 via her Telekwilt group on WhatsApp.

Gerda Cronjé (left) was pleasantly surprised when she was announced as the winner of this beautiful quilt.  The blocks were made by various members of the OKG.

Juliana Hamlett of Life Rosepark Hospital was given the honor of drawing the winner.

A blessed Christmas to everybody.  We'll see you in 2023!

First General Meeting 2025

The star of the show was buttons.  And buttons were everywhere to be seen.  From table decorations to books to an interesting exhibition of ...