Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Beautiful Birthday Calendars

Beautiful Birthday Calendars for sale for only R100.  All funds to be utilized for the 2024 quilt festival at Pietermaritzburg.  You can read all about it here.

Contact your group leader, a committee member (here) or Annelize Keevé via email at

akeeve@telkomsa.net or on 082 499 2361.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Outreach done by Sterre Quilters

A beautiful quilt gifted by the Sterre Quilters group affiliated with the Oranje Quilters Guild to the high care unit at Siesta Retirement Village.  

From left to right are Alison van der Walt (Sterre), Hanneke Lubbe (the manager of the unit at Siesta), Gerda Cronjé (the Sterre's group leader as well as OKG committee member) and Marietjie Prinsloo (Sterre).  

The other members who also worked on this quilt are Gerda Breytenbach, Marietjie Coetzee, Ronel Faul, Emmarenthea van Greuning, Dora Mackenzie, Iessie Steenberg, Petro van der Merwe and Rika van Rooyen.

Although the OKG committee decided to be involved only in stitching dog beds this year, there are loads of other Outreach projects that anybody could participate in.  If interested to find out more, please contact Annelize Keevé at akeeve@telkomsa.net or 082 499 2361, our committee member tasked with Outreach or Iessie Steenkamp at iessie@vodamail.co.za or 082 705 5279.  All of the initiatives are strictly voluntarily.

Please send any photos of Outreaches done under the name of the OKG to wgeel@mweb.co.za

National Quilt Day - 15 March 2025

The quilt chosen for National Quilt Day 2025 by the SAQG is the Roux Quilt.  OKG quilters who wants to participate, please do and share phot...