Sunday, May 12, 2024

Travelling Exhibition 2024

The OQG hosted the opening of the current travelling exhibition on the 3rd of March at the Anglo Boer War Museum.  The theme was "A Stitch in time", beautifully depicted by each quilter in her own understanding of the theme.

A beautiful counted cross stitch piece.

Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night used as inspiration.

Attendees from left to right Gerda Breytenbach, Iessie Steenberg
and Chairperson Christa Gouws.

Gerda Cronjé OQG committee member tasked with the
Travelling Exhibition with her granddaughter

Another successful event.


National Quilt Day - 15 March 2025

The quilt chosen for National Quilt Day 2025 by the SAQG is the Roux Quilt.  OKG quilters who wants to participate, please do and share phot...