Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pyramid quilt

I found this lovely quilt to use up all your excess fabric on the blog of Molly Flanders over HERE.

To see the full tutorial on how to whip this up, click HERE.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Free e-book: Modern quilts

I noted this page some time ago and honestly hope the book is still available for download.  Go check it out over HERE.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Plenty of free motion hints, tips and guides

Judie Bellingham from the site Bella Online shared a wealth of sites with wonderful tutorials on how to get you to do smooth free motion stitching and finishing those quilt tops. 

Go read all about it over HERE.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Finally.... a huge thank you

With all the formalities at our last quarterly meeting done, it was time for ex-chairperson, Marianne, to thank her team of group leaders and committee members. Ladies you all did a great job even thought it sometimes go by unrecognized..... we do appreciate.  For those who would still be carrying on next year, take a well deserved break and come back just as energetic as we know you can be.

And.... we simply couldn't end a year by not recognizing the motivational force in our guild, none other than Ninor Courtnage.  Ninor decided to finish whatever UFO’s she still has and on this meeting she proudly announced she only had 3 more to go.  Something I think we all can work towards.  Thanks for being such an inspiration Ninor.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

No better combination

During our quarterly meetings it always sounds like a beehive and looking at these ladies there simply cannot be any better combination than chatting, shopping and eating.  Lovely to have all of you attending!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Accuquilt GO!

Our guest speaker at the November meeting was Joseph Stein informing us that we do have a representative of this easy cut and go system in Bloemfontein.

For those who couldn't attend the meeting or want to find out more, Joseph can be contacted on his cell phone at
 082 953 9123 
or via e-mail on

Monday, November 18, 2013

Viewer’s choice at the November meeting

Mariëtte Venter is the one doing ‘show and tell’ at our quarterly meetings, walking around the hall, introducing us to the quilt maker and the story (if any) about the quilt but even before that..... we got to vote for our favourite quilts.  Only 4 votes per person which makes it extremely hard!

This term the winning quilt came from Amanda Palvie and is truly a beaut.  Congratulations Amanda.

The runners up were Wilna Geel with her owl quilt and Alta Street.  Well done ladies.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Lovely quilts on display at our last meeting for 2013

Those of you who are into photography might have noticed that the quality of the photos have improved tremendously from those taken by myself with my cell phone.  For this we have to thank our brand new photographer, Anina Louw, with a camera almost bigger than myself but I can definitely see the difference.  Thanks Anina, I do appreciate your help and your husbands' for delivering the memory stick right to my doorstep.  Enjoy the lovely handwork.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Our last quarterly meeting for 2013

We had our last meeting for the year on Saturday, 9 November 2013 and it was sadly time to greet our previous chairperson who ran our guild for a full term of 3 years to lead us to and through our very first National Quilt Festival.  

Thank you Marianne and I, for one, will remember you as the one chairperson who could do a meeting fast, effective and to the point to allow us to get to shop, stare at the beautiful quilts and enjoy all the eats and treats the hosting groups had on offer.  You will be missed.

Marianne then introduced our newly elected chairperson, Frances van der Walt, and in our guild she needs absolutely no introduction as this lady has been tying loose ends together for as long as I can remember since hearing her name for the first time.

Frances we welcome you along with your new secretary, Christa Gouws and treasurer, Riana Nel, in the high chair and trust you will guide and lead as you already know how to. To all group leaders and members of the new committee please note that Frances will be holding her first planning meeting on 29 November 2013.  This lady is sure to start her term as chairperson on well oiled wheels.

First General Meeting 2025

The star of the show was buttons.  And buttons were everywhere to be seen.  From table decorations to books to an interesting exhibition of ...