Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Judging of the quilts at the Bloem Show

On Friday the 12th of April the judging of the quilts entered for the annual Bloem Show was done and I stopped by for a split second to take a couple of photos and were those ladies hard at work (another reason why I preferred not to stay too long they might just have thought I came to help!).  This is the hardworking crew sorting, categorizing, holding, moving, judging and eventually packing these quilts into the Show cupboard.
f.l.t.r:  Ritha Swanepoel, Maxie v Zyl, Elsa Schoeman, Frances v Schalkwyk, Karin de Villiers, Gerda Breytenbach, Iessie Steenberg

Here the judge, Frances v Schalkwyk can be seen with her scribe, Karin de Villiers and trust Karin to summons me to help for a while to give her a well deserving coffee break and looking at the photo of her toe peeking from the hole in her sock, she must have walked extremely far for that cup of coffee.

f.l.t.r:  Frances, Karin & Hettie
Karin showing off her pink cutex

On these two photos our admin ladies and the two working bees, having to see that the right quilt with the right paperwork is available for judging, can be seen.

f.l.t.r:  Gerda Breytenbach & Elsa Schoeman
f.l.t.r: Ritha Swanepoel & Maxie v Zyl

And when the judging was done the arranging and packing of the quilts had to be done.  Poor Lia Deysel was unfortunate to visit the group later and just as I expected, they used her to work.  A very good thing I didn't stay too long.

Lia Deysel

Karin de Villiers

Elsa Schoeman

Maxie v Zyl

Gerda Breytenbach

I will post photos of some of the quilts on display tomorrow.

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