Friday, August 2, 2013

National Quilt Festival 2013 – Kaleidoscope -7

The committee and I are very proud of our achievement. We reached our goal in organizing a friendly, affordable festival. We have received many wonderful compliments that far outweigh the mistakes made in the Workshop Program. The committee members of Wanda Carmichael were our best advisors and supporters who went the extra mile to pave the road for a successful National Quilt Festival in Bloemfontein. As no-one on our committee has ever been involved in organising a festival on this level, we would like to extend more than the average appreciation to these women. Well done to my committee and all those who helped us! It was an honour for me to serve as the chairlady of the Festival 2013 committee and to work with such a willing and dedicated group of ladies who wanted to make a success of our festival.
Thanks to my team!
Iessie Steenberg
And also a word of thank from the chairlady of the Oranje Kwiltersgilde.
Marianne le Roux

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