Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Call for Applications for SAQG Quilt Teaching/Guild Judging Accreditation Course

The South African Quilters’ Guild, in its continued commitment to serve the quilters of South Africa, will be offering all its members the opportunity to take part in a one-year Quilt Teaching Accreditation Course as well as a further one-year Guild Quilt Judging Accreditation Qualification. 
Those who successfully complete the Quilt Teaching Accreditation Course will have their names put on a list of SAQG Accredited Quilt Teachers, and will be given a certificate and badge as proof of their status.  In future, we will encourage Guilds and Festival Committees to choose quilt teachers from this qualified group. 
Candidates having successfully completed the first year of study will also be eligible to continue to the second year of study, in which they can obtain their Guild Quilt Judging Accreditation Qualification, which will enable them to act as quilt judges for local and regional guilds.  Candidates who wish to study further to obtain the National Accredited Quit Judge certificate/accreditation will be chosen from successful candidates from this second year.
 Structure of the SAQG Quilt Teaching Accreditation Course:
·        The Quilt Teaching Accreditation Course is run under the auspices of the SAQG, and participants will therefore receive their accreditation through the SAQG.
·        The course will run from January to November 2014.
·        The course is a self-study correspondence syllabus, with assignments in the following subjects:
o   Teaching Theory
o   Quilting Techniques and Quilting Terminology
o   History of Quilting
o   Copyright
o   Practical Work
·        There is a panel of 6 tutors, all experts in their fields, who are each in charge of one aspect of the course.  These tutors are:
o   Louise Combrink – Teaching Theory (English and Afrikaans)
o   Jenny Hermans – Quilting Terminology and Quilting Techniques (English)
     Lubi  Koorts - -  Kwiltterminologie en Kwilttegnieke (Afrikaans)
o   Elsa Brits – History of Quilting (English and Afrikaans)
o   Trienie Krugel – Copyright (English and Afrikaans)
o   Marline Turner – Practical Work (English and Afrikaans)
·        Sue Prins will act as co-ordinator of the course.
·        Each subject consists of three (3) assignments, with the exception of Copyright, which has only one assignment. 
·        The candidates will receive all of the assignments at the beginning of the course, in order to facilitate the borrowing/acquiring of study material, which is each candidate’s responsibility. 
·        It is essential that communication by e-mail is possible for all the candidates.
·        All written assignments must be typed (no hand-written assignments).
·        Candidates may write their assignments in either English or Afrikaans.
·        Assignments are due to be returned to the tutors at the following intervals:
o   the first set of assignments is due at the end of April 2014
o   the second set of assignments is due at the end of July 2014
o   the third set of assignments is due at the end of October 2014.
·        Most assignments can be sent by e-mail to the relevant tutors, with the exception of the practical work, which will be of a small format and easily sent through the post.
·        All candidates must obtain a minimum of at least 80% in all of their first assignments in order to continue with the course.
·        The assignments, with relevant comments and a percentage mark, will be returned by email to the candidates as soon as possible after submission.
This must look daunting to anyone thinking of doing the course, but if any qualification is to be worthwhile, it must involve real effort and commitment in order to have sound merit.
Who can take part in the Quilt Teaching Accreditation Course:
  • Any SAQG member (whether a member of SAQG through their representative Guild or as an individual SAQG member), who submits an application and pays the required course fee and commits to the course is eligible to take part.
  • Payment of the non-refundable Course Fee of R1500 (fifteen hundred rand) for the first year.   
  • You do not need to be a quilt teacher or to be currently teaching to take part in this course.
Send your completed application forms by e-mail to Sue Prins at sjprins@mweb.co.za as well as proof of payment of the course fee. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Sue at 028 314 1918
 or 072 248 3425 or sjprins@mweb.co.za.
Kind regards 
Elsa Brits
SAQG President

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