Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Fun short courses

A few of the OQG's members attended two short courses presented by Ina Meyer.   

Fabric flowers

Create depth with inktense pencils.

Proud Mariana Beherens with her flowers.

Gerda Cronjé's blue flowers

Teacher Ina left and Nelia Venter right

Gerda Cronjé left and Malinda Coetzer

Ina Meyer demonstrating the 3d effect created
with the use of the inktense pencils.

So, what are the inktense pencils, you ask?

Inktense pencils are watercolor pencils that transform into bright and transparent, ink-like color that will be permanent after it dries.  They can be used dry or blended with water and can also be used with wax or oil based colored pencils and blended with a solvent. Once the color is dry, it is fixed and can be worked over the top of it because it is permanent. They are also great for using on fabric such as silk and cotton.

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