Friday, July 29, 2011

A festival button on our blog and yours too if you wish

When I started my own blog in 2006 it was purely to keep a diary of all the quilts I made or the process of making a quilt.  I vowed (to myself) not to write too much about my family or recipes.  I personally hate it - not my family or recipes but the fact that when I want to read a blog on quilting, I honestly don't want to read about another persons' success in the kitchen, love life or grandchildren.  Apart from my personal preferences I knew very little about blogging.  When our guild asked me to write their blog, a whole new world opened for me.  Suddenly I had to have 'pages' (thanks to Gene Black this became a reality) and the rest I accomplished by pure luck - that is the honest, total truth.  Most of what I accomplish is a matter of guess, press and hope for the best.  I mention this as clearly for some quilters are under the horrible misconception that I either know the internet, my computer or blogging very well.  Sorry, none of these are true.  In fact, one of my favorite sayings is:  "if I can do it, so can you".

Today my mission was to have a 'button' on our blog.  A little picture that any other blogger can add to their blog that would allow their readers to simply click on the picture and it will take you to the page where you will find all the information on our planned National Quilt Festival in Bloemfontein in 2013.

How did I do it?  I went to Google for the answer by simply typing 'how to create a button on blogger' and the answers came pouring in - so many helpful people out there, I wish I could thank them each personally.  

So dear readers; do add our button to your blog, so that we can make accessing information on our planned festival easily obtainable.  We would appreciate your kind help as we are already working full steam to make this festival the best we can.

To add this button to your blog, go to Design, Add a Gadget, HTML/Java Script and click on the + sign.  In the space for title, simply type 2013 South African National Quilt Festival and in the 'content' space, copy and paste the URL link underneath the picture on our blog and remember to SAVE.

I hope this makes sense and do let me know if you have our button on your blog.  I would like to check it out!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Quilted Oven Mitt

Feel like practicing a new free motion pattern and not wanting to ruin a quilt by doing so?  Then check out this Oven Mitt Tutorial by clicking HERE

I am not too sure whether we have an outlet for Insulbright batting in South Africa but what the heck my mother didn’t know it when she made oven mitts and used ordinary batting.  They don’t last that long but this is so easy to make that one can afford making a new one when the older one gets ugly.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Inklingo free idea book

I try to organize my life using heaps of these spiral Shorthand note books – it doesn’t really work but the hope never fades.  I would start one for i.e. things to shop for, one for blog entries I would still like to write, one for answers I need to search, one for reconciliation notes (the odd occasion that hubby feels desperate enough to ask me to check his books) but in the end the shopping goes with the blog entries, sums are made where I am supposed to write answers to student questions, so in my little sewing room I have several spiral books, all containing valuable information.  Finding the right one at the right time…… now there is the problem.

So one of my ‘one-line-entries’ to later become a blog post was the word “Inklingo”.  Obviously the page got turned and I never saw it again until this morning when I went blog hopping  and found an even better story about this to post.

I am not going to talk much about this as everything is so clearly explained by Linda Franz herself.  If you wish to read her blog, click HERE.  On her blog you can even get a guided tour and a video on Inklingo, do check these out.

Reading her blog this morning however, she offered a free downloadable book with ideas on where to use her patterns the Inklingo way.

Download your own Inklingo-idea-book by clicking HERE.

I’m off to do yet another creditor’s reconciliation for hubby with my trusted old spiral notebook right next to me – just not sure which one I’m going to use now.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Quilts for London

I've been meaning to write about this for some time now but you know the saying 'life happens while you're making other plans'!  I know that we have fast quilters reading our blog whom might still be able to partake in this.

Now I can sit here and type for hours on end when you can basically find all the information on this project by visiting the official website by clicking HERE.

Just a little background.  In 2012 the Olympic and Paralympic Games will take place in London and volunteers are invited to make a pendant (smallish quilt no bigger than an A3 page) to hand to every participant at these games.

I do believe that your quilt should somewhat represent your country and can't we just have a ball with our very own Shwe-shwe or even animal print fabrics.

Once logged onto their website, read all about the Project HERE

Also visit the Inspiration page HERE and get your free pennant template.

To remind me to do this post I saved this information while reading about it.  However now that I remembered to write about it, I cannot find the spot where I got this again.  So with no copyright infringements meant, I am copying these on this blog as it appeared on the site.

Your quilt should not be bigger than 12” x 16” (approx A3 size – NOT bigger)
Making a Pennant couldnt be simpler!
1.     Choose a shape (approx the size of A3 (12"x16") but no bigger) - see our template ideas which you can download and print
2.     Choose a design - check out the Inspiration area for ideas or just choose whatever you like (please note the information relating to use of Olympic branding and 2012 media)
3.     Make your Pennant (see our various guides and videos on Youtube)
4.     Add your details to a label and fix to the back of the Pennant
5.     Display / Exhibit / Photograph and upload to Gallery
6.     Send into us at the Project address so we can display at exhibitions and distribute to competing athletes
7.     Make another one!
8.     Get everyone else making one!
Dont forget to send your pennant in before the deadline to:
39 Hunting Gate
Hemel Hempstead
Herts HP2 6NX

For inspiration or simply to see what other volunteers already made, visit the gallery HERE

Should any of our blog readers make a pennant, please send me photos to share with our other readers.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

FREE Appliqué block patterns

One of my blogger friends, Christine Wells, or just Chris as I know her, occasionally has to hear my sad songs when struggling to find something new or interesting to share with you on our blog.  She took the time to find me a couple of sites where FREE patterns are given and forwarded these to me.

If you want to read more about this kind and helpful lady, do visit her blog by clicking HERE.

 Now I am sure there came a time that you felt like making your own applique quilt, placing the blocks of your choice in a specific manner but just didn't know where to find decent applique patterns.  So Chris to the rescue and if you click HERE you’ll be able to download a variety of applique block patterns as FREE PDF documents.

Now start designing the placement, the blocks are already done for you!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Disappearing 4-patch: A strippers take on making this

Yes, Marié, one of our Facebook friends as well as a follower of our blog, is a self-admitted stripper - no not what you might be thinking, a quilt stripper.  

Remember my post on the Disappearing 4-patch tutorial HERE?  Well Marié read it and told me that she has a much easier strip piecing method available on her blog.

O I just love all the clever people I get to meet as facilitator of our blog and Facebook account.

Now to see (plenty of lovely photos) and read all about Marié’s take on this pattern, go check out her blog by clicking HERE.

 Thanks Marié and we do appreciate someone like you taking note of our blog.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Thank you from the coordinator of the 2013 festival to the quilters of Stellenbosch

Dear fellow quilters,

Most of the quilters who attended the ALIVE WITH COLOUR QUILT FESTIVAL in Stellenbosch are by now safely back home.

It is fun unpacking all the wonderful treasures we bought at the festival. Simmy's efforts in arranging and ensuring the presence of all the vendors definitely paid off.

The joy of going through the tote bag and paging through the Quilt Journal cannot be adequately described and thanks needs to be given to Rita who packed the bags.

We have told those who could not make it the festival about the wonderful reception we received from Sandra, Pat and the other ladies at the Registration desk.

With excitement we also shared with them the beautiful and exciting quilts we saw at the quilt show. Thanks to all the organisers of the show: Hazelmay, who received all the quilts; Jenny, who organised the judging; Sue, who was the in charge of the judging; and Sheila, who was the curator. The DVD of the show, made by Andrew, is a great memento.

The hostels were wonderful and for this, thanks to Ina, the only real queen in Stellenbosch – she even has her own tiara! Our stay, the peaceful sleep (and sometimes the lack thereof), the laughter and the new friends we made all make up the wonderful story of the memories we made during the festival.

Those who could not make it are told about each class we attended: Marié ensured that all the classes ran smoothly and even lent a helping hand when needed.  Una and her wonderful outreaches are topics eagerly retold. The many gifts we received are proudly displayed.  Thanks to Nolene who was responsible for liaising with the sponsors. Many thanks to Helen who ensured that we ate deliciously prepared food at beautifully decorated tables.

Finally, thanks to Wanda and her team for the wonderful experience and as far as we are concerned you attained your goal of promoting the art of Patchwork and Quilting and of bring quilters together to share their work and encourage each other!

On a personal note, a special word of thanks for sharing all your knowledge with me on how to organise a successful and enjoyable quilt festival.

To my own team in the Oranje Quilters' Guild:  I have no doubt that we will organise a wonderful and successful festival in 2013.

We are quilters with a kaleidoscope of talent, which reach beyond the borders of quilting, and this makes us a winning team.

Quilted regards

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dear quilting friend!

I hope this email finds you enjoying the beginning of the summer season!  (heading there in South Africa)

I am very happy to announce that Quiltposium Magazine Summer Issue is hot off the press and ready for you to read!

There all kinds of goodies for you to look at... 24 FREE downloadable patterns, lots of interesting articles, Aurifil's Alex Veronelli EXPOSED in our centerfold, and dozens and dozens of brand new trips for you to look at.

So grab a cup of java and put on your reading glasses-Quiltposium Magazine is ready for you!

Jim West
Publisher, Quiltposium Magazine
                                                            click HERE to view the magazine.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Subject: Kona Bay Fabrics invites you to be our friend

Kona Bay Fabrics would love to have you as a Facebook fan.

We're a fun group that loves fabrics and we try to not be too serious:):) There are now over 6,000 of us having fun together!!

Although we are a fabric manufacturer and wholesaler, our web site has FREE patterns for you to download:

Check out also our latest item: Kona Bay Eco Friendly Hot/Cold Bags!!

Hope you can become one of our Facebook fans!!



Friday, July 8, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer Lily FREE quilt pattern

Jinny Beyer has a new quilt pattern for the more advanced quilter available on her website.  I don’t even like pink and purple  but this is divine.

This quilt will finish 80” x 95” and you can download your PDF pattern by clicking HERE


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

16th National Quilt Festival Stellenbosch

Someone/thing doesn’t want me to share my experiences as I was 2 paragraphs into typing this post when we suddenly had a power dip and I lost everything.  Had similar problems yesterday while writing my own blog.  So let me try again.

Why any quilter wants to go to a quilt festival I must still figure out.  I returned home frustrated, after seeing interesting new gadgets to make one’s quilting life easier, the most beautiful fabric, talked to such resourceful people and all the way with the realization that I will never live long enough to even try my hand at a patch of all of these.  Should have stayed at home and stayed as uninformed and satisfied with what I knew before going.

The committee involved in organizing this event left no stone unturned to make it special.  Even the prize giving dining area was spectacular.  Just look at these photos.
It was an especially proud moment for us when one of our own, Frances van Schalkwyk, became an official quilt judge.  We can only gain by having such a person in our midst.  Congratulations Frances, I for one, know you worked really hard, sometimes in the wee hours of the night, to be able to accomplish this.  We are proud of you!!
The quilts on display were out of this world and I wonder whether these are meant to boost a quilter or put you down from entering a competition ever again.  Some of the quilts I saw looked virtually impossible to create with fabric but yes, these ladies did it.  I had a couple of absolute favorites, not necessarily those who got the prizes, and allowed myself to be somewhat snotty to comment that I don’t know how a certain quilt got to get a prize.  Boy was my bubble burst when my daughter paged through the booklet with photos of the quilts and chose her all time favorite to be exactly the one I wondered about.  Just shows you.  I am however here just showing a bird’s eye view of the quilts as this blog is not about my personal choices and I do not wish to make a big hoo-ha over one quilt and leave another out.  My compliments again to the organizers, the quilt display area were neat, spacious, well lit and an absolute pleasure to walk through.

No wait, I am going to show our readers just ONE quilt to show why I wonder whether one should get a boost or never even bother to enter.  Look at this quilt.  If I got the information correctly, this was made by a 14 year old BOY.  No how am I supposed to feel????????


More block challenges made by school children.

The vendor hall was a beehive of activity with so much to see and experience.  Occasionally seeing a familiar face, sharing information, discussions classes and shopping like crazy.

Some faces you might recognize.

I saw many more but didn't always have my camera ready or they moved along too fast.  The cafeteria also seem to turn out a favorite gathering place and again quilts on the walls.

To end this, who doesn't look forward to everything in your goodie bag?  I've unpacked mine and took a photo before delving into everything myself and I just had to share the bottle of wine with the quilt label with you...... hope you read it correctly, I'm just sharing the picture, not the wine itself.

We thank the Good Hope Quilter's Guild for making this festival happen.  We trust that we will be able to return this favor.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Stellenbosch 16th National Quilt Festival - We are here

Just a quick post while waiting for Karin to finish showering - the woman takes forever and I am starving.  It is only day 3 and I am already DEAD tired, my arm muscles aching from carrying around my classroom bag, handbag, camera and purchases not to mention the goodie bag containing a bottle of wine which seemed to become heavier every minute.

Up until now I've still been either totally overwhelmed by everything I saw or totally lost trying to be at the right spot on the right time.  Not the fault of the organizers of the festival who provided us with a plan of the school/classroom layout, I've never had any sense of direction or no more space to clutch a plan in my hands. Would anyway get lost even if I had the plan with me.

Today I am going to try to get permission to take as much photos as possible, interview a couple of people/vendors and just get something on the festival to share with those unfortunate few who couldn't make it.

Coming from the Free State we are however loving the winter in the Western Cape, the people over here complain about the cold but they really don't know what cold is.  Karin spoke to her husband yesterday who told her that the shower head burst due to the water freezing inside.

More news the moment I have taken photos.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Stellenbosch National Quilt Festival - starting today!!

Okay people I am taking a couple of days off from writing any posts to the blog as my flight to Stellenbosch leaves later today....... and I am SOOOOO looking forward to this.  O yes, I will write about the festival and take pictures (where and if allowed) but my traveling, evenings, social events and personal class would much rather be posted on my own blog as it just would not be fair to rant and rave about the class I took and leaving out those that I couldn't attend which I'm sure would be just as educational as mine.

Before I go however a quilt link to another FREE e-book from Interweave.  This one is called Designs and Techniques for Quilt Designs.

To obtain your free copy, simply click HERE enter your email address and it yours!!

Okay, I' m off, take care.

National Quilt Day - 15 March 2025

The quilt chosen for National Quilt Day 2025 by the SAQG is the Roux Quilt.  OKG quilters who wants to participate, please do and share phot...