Friday, July 29, 2011

A festival button on our blog and yours too if you wish

When I started my own blog in 2006 it was purely to keep a diary of all the quilts I made or the process of making a quilt.  I vowed (to myself) not to write too much about my family or recipes.  I personally hate it - not my family or recipes but the fact that when I want to read a blog on quilting, I honestly don't want to read about another persons' success in the kitchen, love life or grandchildren.  Apart from my personal preferences I knew very little about blogging.  When our guild asked me to write their blog, a whole new world opened for me.  Suddenly I had to have 'pages' (thanks to Gene Black this became a reality) and the rest I accomplished by pure luck - that is the honest, total truth.  Most of what I accomplish is a matter of guess, press and hope for the best.  I mention this as clearly for some quilters are under the horrible misconception that I either know the internet, my computer or blogging very well.  Sorry, none of these are true.  In fact, one of my favorite sayings is:  "if I can do it, so can you".

Today my mission was to have a 'button' on our blog.  A little picture that any other blogger can add to their blog that would allow their readers to simply click on the picture and it will take you to the page where you will find all the information on our planned National Quilt Festival in Bloemfontein in 2013.

How did I do it?  I went to Google for the answer by simply typing 'how to create a button on blogger' and the answers came pouring in - so many helpful people out there, I wish I could thank them each personally.  

So dear readers; do add our button to your blog, so that we can make accessing information on our planned festival easily obtainable.  We would appreciate your kind help as we are already working full steam to make this festival the best we can.

To add this button to your blog, go to Design, Add a Gadget, HTML/Java Script and click on the + sign.  In the space for title, simply type 2013 South African National Quilt Festival and in the 'content' space, copy and paste the URL link underneath the picture on our blog and remember to SAVE.

I hope this makes sense and do let me know if you have our button on your blog.  I would like to check it out!!

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