Wednesday, July 6, 2011

16th National Quilt Festival Stellenbosch

Someone/thing doesn’t want me to share my experiences as I was 2 paragraphs into typing this post when we suddenly had a power dip and I lost everything.  Had similar problems yesterday while writing my own blog.  So let me try again.

Why any quilter wants to go to a quilt festival I must still figure out.  I returned home frustrated, after seeing interesting new gadgets to make one’s quilting life easier, the most beautiful fabric, talked to such resourceful people and all the way with the realization that I will never live long enough to even try my hand at a patch of all of these.  Should have stayed at home and stayed as uninformed and satisfied with what I knew before going.

The committee involved in organizing this event left no stone unturned to make it special.  Even the prize giving dining area was spectacular.  Just look at these photos.
It was an especially proud moment for us when one of our own, Frances van Schalkwyk, became an official quilt judge.  We can only gain by having such a person in our midst.  Congratulations Frances, I for one, know you worked really hard, sometimes in the wee hours of the night, to be able to accomplish this.  We are proud of you!!
The quilts on display were out of this world and I wonder whether these are meant to boost a quilter or put you down from entering a competition ever again.  Some of the quilts I saw looked virtually impossible to create with fabric but yes, these ladies did it.  I had a couple of absolute favorites, not necessarily those who got the prizes, and allowed myself to be somewhat snotty to comment that I don’t know how a certain quilt got to get a prize.  Boy was my bubble burst when my daughter paged through the booklet with photos of the quilts and chose her all time favorite to be exactly the one I wondered about.  Just shows you.  I am however here just showing a bird’s eye view of the quilts as this blog is not about my personal choices and I do not wish to make a big hoo-ha over one quilt and leave another out.  My compliments again to the organizers, the quilt display area were neat, spacious, well lit and an absolute pleasure to walk through.

No wait, I am going to show our readers just ONE quilt to show why I wonder whether one should get a boost or never even bother to enter.  Look at this quilt.  If I got the information correctly, this was made by a 14 year old BOY.  No how am I supposed to feel????????


More block challenges made by school children.

The vendor hall was a beehive of activity with so much to see and experience.  Occasionally seeing a familiar face, sharing information, discussions classes and shopping like crazy.

Some faces you might recognize.

I saw many more but didn't always have my camera ready or they moved along too fast.  The cafeteria also seem to turn out a favorite gathering place and again quilts on the walls.

To end this, who doesn't look forward to everything in your goodie bag?  I've unpacked mine and took a photo before delving into everything myself and I just had to share the bottle of wine with the quilt label with you...... hope you read it correctly, I'm just sharing the picture, not the wine itself.

We thank the Good Hope Quilter's Guild for making this festival happen.  We trust that we will be able to return this favor.

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