Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Machine binding a quilt

Now I honestly believe there is only one way to finish a binding, the right way......... by hand BUT I know a couple of quilters who prefer not doing anything by hand and are looking for ways to machine bind a quilt.

Amanda-Jean shared her way of doing a binding by machine on her blog over HERE

I hope you find this helpful but then again.... you only finish a binding ONE way, the right way!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Crochet Turkey pattern

I almost forgot to post today.  If Karin didn't mention their blog it would have slipped my mind.  I've been up most of last night and today taking care of a Cockatiel struggling to breath and luckily my daughter came off work just now to give me somewhat of a break, so here goes today's post.

Even though I can't crochet I know a lot of quilters in our guild who can, so this one is especially for you.

I know we don't celebrate Thanksgiving but heck if we can have chicken decorations; why not turkeys?

I found this pattern on the Craft Passion website and you too can get it, by clicking HERE

Friday, November 25, 2011

Chevrons quilt design

Ah! Friday again and although my weekend started with the most horrible smell coming from the kittens' sandbox in my sewing room, I have it under control now and intend to enjoy the rest.  Hope you can too.

Have you wondered what that 45degree line on your ruler was for?  Now you can put it to good use.  Hyacinth Quilt Designs has this easy to stitch tutorial for a Chevrons quilt.

I would not have bothered to put the thin strips in between but I guess it is far more eye-catching this way.

Find the tutorial by clicking HERE.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cathedral Window Quilt

Less than 3 weeks ago I shared a very old video on You Tube with a couple of quilters showing them a quilt called Circle Magic and here I found the instructions again today at Moda Bakeshop.

The difference between the two is that this one gets batting.  Looks easy enough I'd say.  For the full tutorial, click HERE.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Patchwork Christmas tree

Now this is a Christmas ornament I would not mind having.  Remember I said I am not really into the whole decorating over Christmas thing?  This won't cause a mess, is practical and with it being patchwork, right up my alley.

Theresa shared this lovely pictorial with us on her blog and you can find the instructions on how to put this together by clicking HERE.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Christmas stockings tutorial

While I browsed Debs’ blog I found another tutorial again with a video showing how she created this.  Read the blog with the video by clicking HERE.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Liberated Checkerboard Block

I promised a couple of local quilters to show this block quite some time ago and here it finally is.  Sorry about the delay, as they say "life happens while you are making other plans."

Now this picture might not look like much but do check out Sophie's blog to see all the possibilities when playing with colors.
For full instructions with pictures, read all about this on Sophie's blog, by clicking HERE.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Invitation to Teachers

Dear Quilting Teacher

The Oranje Quilters' Guild is the hosts of the 17th National Quilt Festival 2013 (Kaleidoscope).  We would like to invite you to submit your CV and full details of proposed workshops, lectures or talks for consideration by our committee.

Mari Strydom
Coordinator Teachers

To view, download and print Mari's full invitation document, please click HERE or HERE

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pocket Tissue holder

Deb from the blog ‘debzpicady’ went one step further when she made a tutorial for this little pocket tissue holder by sharing it on a video.

Where o where do people find time to do all of this?  Go to this blog post by Deb to watch the video.

Fourth and final quarterly guild meeting for 2011

Yip, another year on its back - scary how fast time seems to run out if you need more.  I arrived slightly late at the meeting and when I saw the amount of cars outside and could hardly find a parking I knew we surely

must have a record attendance.

As can be seen on the next photo, I wasn't wrong.  Thank you ladies for making a plan to attend this meeting.  Good to see so many of you here.

Appropriate to this time of the year, the theme was Christmas and a big tree with dangling balls welcomed us at the entrance.  We could each take a ball and some were marked in a special way which formed part of the lucky draws.

The hot weather called for juice as alternative drink and the beautiful bouquet of roses matched the festive seasonal colors.

Our guild can surely not complain about the amount of and variety offered by the vendors at every meeting and with this good attendance I honestly hope it was worth their while having to pack and drive for our convenience.

The quilts on display never disappoint and as one newbie quilter (Jolita Geel) put it:  "I get depressed when I see these as I then know I still have SO much I still want to do."  Jolita, I think we all feel the same.

The winner of the viewers' choice this term was Lulu Marais with her Heart quilt designed by Iessie Steenberg.

Then our quarterly challenge was "My prettiest Christmas quilt" and although there were only a few entries, they were all equally lovely.

The winner of this term's challenge was, Wilna Geel, with this quilt.  Well done, Wilna (and by the way she is not at all related to the Jolita Geel I mentioned earlier).

We had yet another winner, this time of the PFAFF Lotto Blocks for the term and friend Karin was the lucky one!

Oops, no wait!  This is not Karin - anyone could have made this mistake, don't you agree?

This little chap is one bred by fellow quilter, Karin van Graan, who sells them as pets or they can be trained to help the disabled.  He however was really ill; therefor Karin had to bring him along to keep a watchful eye on him.  So adorable don't you think?

Now this is the real winner, Karin de Villiers and look how glad she was to win this - she threatened to cry should she not win, so I know a couple of us, gave the blocks we made under her name and furthermore half the attendees prayed when the name was drawn.  No one really wanted to see Karin in tears.

And here, all the blocks she won packed out on her bed.

Monkey breeder, Karin van Graan, gave our demonstration for the day.  Remember those little balls on the Christmas tree when we came in?  She told us step-by-step how to make and decorate these still in time for this Christmas.

See this relaxed smile on Mariëtte Venter's face?  She's all done with her job for our National Festival in 2013.  Mariëtte had to think of, plan, set rules, type and distribute the challenge for the festival and she's DONE!  Mariëtte also told us that 75% of these are already sold - great stuff Mariëtte, you did well.

The lady in the photo with Mariëtte, is none other than our one and only guilt judge in the Free State, Frances van Schalkwyk and a huge thank you to Frances for sponsoring the printing of the challenge entry forms.  Always lovely to have a couple of 'richies' amongst us.

Chairperson, Marianne le Roux, congratulated Anne Strauss on her winning quilt at the Stellenbosch National Festival and handed her a Master Quilter badge.  We are so proud to have someone by the likes of Anne in our midst.  You can see her quilt in our August 2011 newsletter by clicking HERE

Another Master quilter in our guild is none other than 'tannie' Rina Schutte.  What a lady, when I grow up, I hope to be just like her.

Another festival portfolio holder, Mari Strydom, need not look as serious as she did on this photo as her job too is already set and going.  Mari is in charge of teachers and her application forms, for all teacher interested in teaching at the festival, is ready to be sent off.  You make it look so easy, Mari.

However, Frances van der Walt, (portfolio Registrations) can type, think and plan as fast as she wishes to be I think we'll still have to wait a couple of years to see a big, relaxed smile on her face.  Hang in there Frances at least you know there are a couple of us not smiling yet!

Main brain, Iessie Steenberg (coordinator of our 2013 National Quilt Festival) has it all under control and as you can see even her outfit and jewelry match her roll.  If you got it, flaunt it!

Now if you ever wonder about us suffering under Iessie's management, do wonder please.  This woman moves forward like a well oiled military vehicle, firing out orders like bombs being launched.  If you don't get me yet, let me give you this example of how things are asked from us.

"Right people, we have x amount of groups in this guild, good?  (don't ever forget the 'good' at the end of every sentence).  Now I've given each group a portfolio, good?  Well read through the rules and raise enough funds to get the job done.  Good?  Meeting adjourned, thanks ladies."

The 'good' and the raising of funds is REALLY true, but at the rate Karin de Villiers (Goody Bags) is raising money, we'll soon receive change from her portfolio which ought to lessen our burden - thanks Karin, but back to Iessie.

I often say to whoever wants to listen, the one thing we all can say about Iessie is that she won't ever expect anything from you, if she herself, is not 100% prepared to help, pay, buy, sponsor, make and work until the wee hours of the morning to get something done.  Now 'good' or not, who would not be prepared to support such a leader?  Thanks Iessie, you are doing a humongous job!

Iessie then introduced guest speaker, Sudré Havenga from the National Museum in Bloemfontein who absolutely has a passion for her job (thanks Wilna for this description) and told us in detail how to treat, store and handle our quilts to save these for future generations.

Here is a pieced nightgown from the museum shown as part of Sudré's talk.

Now all our guild groups are slowly beginning to wind down their activities for the year to give everyone time to spend the summer holidays and festive season with their families.  I too will be taking a break from writing our blog during December and early January.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Biscut Pincushion

Julie Herman from San Diego and the Jaybird Quilts blog has several tutorials available.  So browse her blog and see if you can find more.  This seems like a pretty fast project and can serve as a gift too.
To find out how this is made, click HERE

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Goody Bag Fundraising Golf Day

On the 5th November 2011 we hosted a Golf Day in Dewetsdorp, to raise funds for our National Festival in 2013. We are responsible for the "Goody Bags".

Fortunately, we had a Coca Cola van in which we could serve the drinks for the golfers. As we were waiting for the first lot of golfers to arrive for their drinks, we had a golf ball hit the van.  They made sure we were awake and ready. It also protected us from the wind.

Angie and Candice, my daughters, were very eager to help their mom, so with them working and dad playing golf it turned out to be a very enjoyable family day. Dear friend Hettie was supposed to join but had soo many excuses that I was left to tend to both the men. André and Dodds helped so much but as you can see on the photo above when I asked them to take a photo with me they stood so far. I will let them have a well deserved rest, till next years golf day.

A great big THANKS to Dodds & André, without you guys this day would never have been such a success. I really picked the best two men to help me, they are very good at organizing and doing as I say. Another big THANKS goes to Mel Haddad from Dewetsdorp Golf Club for his part in making the day a success.


Ha and I got to add to this too.  A huge thanks to Karin for getting the men and her lovely daughters to organize, help and play on this day and to her for spending the whole day out on the golf course representing our guild.  Contrary to Karin's gossip about me having excuses, I had another area of the festival plans to attend to but then she's always been better with men than I have, so why not leave her alone with them?  (Hettie)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Make your own Christmas wall hanging, banner or table topper

The beginning of a brand new week, so let's see if we can accomplish everything we hoped for this week.  I can hardly wait to read all about the golf day Karin held in Dewetsdorp but she took photos and promised us a post.

Back to this time of the year and if you are ot in the mood to do something similar to what many others might make?  Then create your own downloading all or simply a couple of the lovely appliqué Christmas patterns free from Four Twin Sisters.

Browse through a wide variety of Christmas appliqué patterns by clicking HERE

National Quilt Day - 15 March 2025

The quilt chosen for National Quilt Day 2025 by the SAQG is the Roux Quilt.  OKG quilters who wants to participate, please do and share phot...