Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A letter from the SAQG chairperson, Elsa Brits

February 2013
Dear Ladies.

I am experiencing incredible computer related problems and cannot access any e-mails, most probably not until Monday 25 February. Please contact Trienie with any urgent SAQG matters and she will handle what she can and contact me with the others. Thank you for understanding, it feels as though my arms are cut off at the armpits!
Trienie Krugel
SAQG Representative
(016) 976-8443
083 259 3317

1. European Patchwork Meeting 2013

I am in constant communication with the organizers of this event and they are very excited to have our quilts exhibited in September. An amazing honor has befallen me in that I have been asked to serve on the three person jury which will choose the winners of the “Distortion” competition. I am really hoping for a winner from South Africa: our quilters do not have to take a back seat when it comes to creativity and technical prowess. Please inspire your guild members and make us all proud.
Repeating the requirements for the collection to go to France I quote from my previous letter:
We will need to take about 50 quilts, sizes are approximately as follows: (width x length)
4 x quilts maximum size 1.8 x 1.5m
9 x quilts  max size 1.5 x 2.5m
39 x quilts max size 1.2 – 1.3 x 1.2 – 1.3m
Length is crucial as the space we have ends above the church pews.

NB. Can you please arrange for me to have photographs of quilts that fit the sizes, have never been exhibited in Europe and are not American, English etc copies?
Each photograph must be accompanied by the following information:
Name of Maker, Original Title of the work, year of completion, with in cm, height in cm and approximate value in €
Quilters who submit photographs of their work for consideration must be prepared to pay for transportation thereof to Sasolburg and back. Transport and insurance to the Val d’Argent and back will be for the account of the organizers.
Due date for photographs: 20 March 2013. I will ask 3 SAQG accredited judges to make their choice by 2 April as a complete list of quilts that will travel has to be with the organizers by 10 April. Choice of quilts will be made via e-mail. It is therefore imperative that the photographs are in focus and of a good, printable quality (300dpi)
The quilts chosen will have to be in Sasolburg by 17 May as I have to inform the organizers of the size and weight of the container/s by 25 May.
The picture below is an example of the type of quilt we are looking for; vibrant, African and unique as far as Europe is concerned.  
I unfortunately have no idea to whom this quilt belongs
There’s colour inside by Lesley Jurgens
Floral Treasures by Alicia Prinsloo

Accommodation in the Val D’Argent: Our exhibition will be in the town of Sainte-Croix-aux-Mines. If you can accompany us I suggest you start looking for accommodation now. Marie Lotz ( is in charge of accommodation for EPM so I suggest you contact her as soon as possible.

Articles for sale: We are allowed to take items for sale along to EPM. Jeanette Botha tells me that South African fabric is very popular. So, I believe, are beaded items and other artifacts. We are in the process of looking for sponsors for a brochure which will feature all the quilts in the exhibition which we hope to sell in France.
 If your Guild would like to sponsor a page, the person to contact would be Jeanette Botha or 083 964 4335; she is in charge of the brochure.
The organizers take 10% on all items sold, so that will have to be worked into the price.
Quilts can also be sold if you so wish. Anybody wishing to sell a quilt that has been accepted to travel to France will please have to price it themselves keeping it in mind that the organizers take 20% on any quilt sold.

I am anxiously looking forward to hearing from you all.

Elsa Brits 083 287 7446

Monday, February 25, 2013

2013: First Quarterly Meeting - The shops, shoppers and food

While taking these photos of the quilters shopping and supporting our vendors I’m always amazed to see how serious they are when they make their purchases.  Quilting seems to be a serious hobby!  Just look at all the feet going around in the hall.

With our first meeting in February the kind groups supplying out eats and drinks for the day, has set up their table all pretty in red.  A big thank you to you girls and our vendors.

Friday, February 22, 2013

2013: First Quarterly Meeting - The winning Quilt

At every meeting we get to vote for 4 quilts that caught our eye in a special way and from these votes the winning quilt is then selected.  This term this stunning quilt made by Elize Cumming a member of the “Vingerhoede” group from De Wetsdorp, got the winning vote.

Congratulations Elize!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

2013: First Quarterly Meeting - The challenge

For every meeting we have a challenge set out for us.  This theme for this term's challenge was Kaleidoscope (I wonder why?) and here is what the ladies came up with.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

2013: First Quarterly Meeting - Quilts on Display

As usual we had plenty of eye candy in the quilts being displayed at the meeting and I'll leave it up to you to decide which you like the most.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2013: First quarterly meeting - Quilter of the Year

I don’t think I've ever waited this long after a quarterly meeting to post on the event but with the 17th National Quilt Festival around the corner, I had more pressing matters to write about however I finally can tell you about it.

Every year we vote for a ‘quilter of the year’in our guild and this year the very deserving winner was Mari Strydom from Bultfontein.

Now I had to tell Mari to first stop crying and ruin her make-up before I could take this photo!

Congratulations Mari!

Monday, February 18, 2013

National Quilt Day

This year our guild will be celebrating National Quilt Day on 9 March 2013 at Pentzplaas in Bultfontein.

Come out for a full day of quilting, chatting and a light lunch from the kitchen of Granaat.

Friday, February 15, 2013

A letter from the Chairlady

Iessie Steenberg, our coordinator for the 17th National Quilt Festival from 1 - 7 July 2013, in Bloemfontein has written this progress report.

If you'd like to read, print or download this letter, click HERE.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Festival teachers, contact details

In an attempt to provide you with somewhat better pictures (roll the wheel on your mouse to zoom in) and a basic guide to the class name, number and the teacher with their contact details, I've compiled a brochure.  You will still need to consult the Workshop Program for all your student requirements, kits and dates.

To read, download or print this brochure, please click HERE.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Festival News - Daily tours

Do you remember in the post over HERE we mentioned ‘daily tours’?  Well I can finally tell you all about it and even staying in Bloemfontein and the Free State, this got me excited!

Tony Horn from Bush Junkies arranged these tours especially for all our quilting friends visiting Bloemfontein during the festival.

To read, print or download the full brochure about these day tours, click HERE.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Quiltmania 2015

Gosh, I'm still struggling to post everything regarding the 17th National Quilt Festival in July this year and people are already making other plans.  I got this message on Facebook and I'm sure it was not meant for just me, so I am sharing it with all our readers.
Would you like to be part of competing in breaking the Guinness world record for the worlds largest quilt. Please 'like' our facebook page in order to get info and updates. Facebook page QUILTMANIA2015 or email me on
Thank you
Sheila van Dyk
Please contact Sheila directly for more information.

National Quilt Day - 15 March 2025

The quilt chosen for National Quilt Day 2025 by the SAQG is the Roux Quilt.  OKG quilters who wants to participate, please do and share phot...