Sunday, July 3, 2011

Stellenbosch 16th National Quilt Festival - We are here

Just a quick post while waiting for Karin to finish showering - the woman takes forever and I am starving.  It is only day 3 and I am already DEAD tired, my arm muscles aching from carrying around my classroom bag, handbag, camera and purchases not to mention the goodie bag containing a bottle of wine which seemed to become heavier every minute.

Up until now I've still been either totally overwhelmed by everything I saw or totally lost trying to be at the right spot on the right time.  Not the fault of the organizers of the festival who provided us with a plan of the school/classroom layout, I've never had any sense of direction or no more space to clutch a plan in my hands. Would anyway get lost even if I had the plan with me.

Today I am going to try to get permission to take as much photos as possible, interview a couple of people/vendors and just get something on the festival to share with those unfortunate few who couldn't make it.

Coming from the Free State we are however loving the winter in the Western Cape, the people over here complain about the cold but they really don't know what cold is.  Karin spoke to her husband yesterday who told her that the shower head burst due to the water freezing inside.

More news the moment I have taken photos.

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Fun short courses

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