Monday, February 13, 2012

Bloem Show: 26 April - 5 May 2012

Can you believe it is already time to think about the Bloem Show again?  So while you read this, open your diary as you need to mark a couple of dates.  Firstly the dates of the show.  You will want to see the quilts on exhibition don't you?

Speaking of exhibition.... PLEASE enter one of your quilts for the Show competition.  These are the steps to follow:

1.  Get your entry form from Elsa Schoeman (082 459 6599)
2.  Attach your R8,00 entry fee to your completed form
3.  Pack your labelled quilt in a marked pillowcase
4.  Take your quilt, entry form and -fee to Iessie's house before 30 March 2011 (this is the other date for your diary)

Judging by Frances van Schalkwyk will take place on Friday, 13 April 2012

If you have a problem getting your quilt to Iessie's house, contact your group or group leader and see if there is someone that can help you but please do enter!

Let's keep our quilt exhibition area stocked and attractive.

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