Saturday, March 26, 2011

Today we talk to animal lover Karen van Graan

Karen claims she too wanted to make pretty things and therefore started quilting in 2008.  Now a member of the ‘Sterkwilters’ group when not quilting she is involved with rehabilitation of animals for Nature Conservation, breeds Yorkshire Terriers and exotic monkeys.

Q:   In short tell us a little about your family:
A:  Married to Hennie and they have a 14 years old son, Oostewald and a 13 year old daughter, Mincke

Q:  Are you a morning or night person?
A:  Night

Q:  Which do you prefer – sweet or salty snacks?
A:  Salty

Q:  Do you collect anything and what?
A:  No

Q:  If you could be any animal, what would you be?
A:  Dolphin

Q:  What is your favorite color?
A:  Blue

Q:  Do you believe in ghosts?
A:  No / Yes  (can’t make up your mind Karen?)

Q:  Do you have any other hobbies apart from quilting?
A:  Cycling, entertaining and gardening

Q:  Have you even been addicted to a computer/video game and which one?
A:  No

Q:  Name ONE bad habit you have and are aware of.
A:  Cannot say ‘no’ easily

Q:  What do you regard as your best personality trait?
A:  I am always friendly and always try to help others

Q  Are you mostly a messy or clean person?
A:  Clean

Q:  If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
A:  Australia, Ireland and the USA

Q:  What is your favorite drink?
A:   Ice Tea

Q:  What is your favorite gift to receive?
A:  Love, friendship and something pretty such as flowers

Q:  Which type of gift do you like the least?
A:  I would like anything that came from the heart

Q:  If you could change your name, what would it be?
A:  I don’t want my name changed

Q:  Name one thing not many people know about you
A:  (No answer to this one)

Thanks Karen and as soon as I get my family convinced I’m going to get myself one of your itsy bitsy Yorkies!!

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National Quilt Day - 15 March 2025

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